Awareness of mental illness has come a long way, but it can still be tough to prove it’s a disabling condition, at least according to Social Security criteria. In our practice, we often hear statements like, “My neighbor’s son got disability just because he said he was depressed (or is bipolar, or has anxiety).” While Social Security […]
Do government employees seem to speak a foreign language when you try to get information? You may be interested to know that The Center for Plain Language recently awarded the Social Security Administration top marks on how clearly it communicates with the public. That being said, we know a lot of terms used by the […]
This is one of the most common questions clients ask. And many times, the answer is yes. A majority of applicants are denied Social Security Disability on their first try. Some are approved after their first appeal (known as the reconsideration stage). But a far greater number are awarded benefits after they appeal a second […]